I love making my own ravioli so here's my latest batch. I made this for Valentine's Day so I made it the pasta dough a lovely shade of pink using tomato paste. The newest, latest and greatest ravioli flavor I came up was goat cheese, roasted pepper ravioli which was just a lovely food combination. As usual, I produced these en masse and made six dozen so plenty went into the freezer for no-cooking nights. This is a great romantic meal that is worth the effort that goes into it. My husband absolutely loved these!
Pink Tomato Ravioli Dough (from Mario Batali's Molto Italiano)
3 1/2 cups flour
5 eggs
2 T tomato paste
Sasha's Goat Cheese-Roasted Pepper Ravioli
11/4 cups roasted red, yellow and orange peppers, pureed in a food processor
10.5 oz goat cheese
15 oz part skim milk ricotta cheese
1/3 tsp red pepper flakes
To make the dough, put the eggs in your stand mixer and beat for a minute to scramble. Then add all the flour and tomato paste at once and mix into a dough. Divide into four balls and wrap in plastic wrap. Allow to rest for an hour before using.
Roll the dough to 6 or 7 thinness using your pasta machine. Using a ravioli press, press into ravioli. This recipe should make about six dozen as each sheet makes 12 at once. Allow to dry for about an hour on a drying rack before placing the drying rack in a freezer. Once they are frozen you can put them in freezer bags. To cook place in salted boiling water and cook about five minutes.
Sasha's Roasted Red Pepper Tomato Sauce
2 cans organic whole tomatoes or San Marzano tomatoes
2 red, orange or yellow peppers, diced
1 onion, diced
four cloves of garlic, minced
fresh thyme to taste (I used about 5 branches)
fresh oregano to taste (I used about a tablespoon)
salt and pepper to taste
1 T balsamic vinegar
Dice the onions, pepper and add the herbs and garlic and saute in three tablespoons of olive oil for a few minutes. Add the tomato puree and bring to a boil, stirring, then simmer for a half an hour. When the simmering has concluded, stir in the balsamic vinegar and season with salt and pepper.